Our Values
At CCA we believe Jehovah God is the only God who reveals Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  We believe man is sinful and separated from God and in need of salvation.  We believe salvation comes only through repentance and acceptance of the substitutiary sacrifice and shed blood of Jesus Christ accomplished in his death and resurrection.  We believe the Christian life is a journey of growing in understanding and communion with God the Father because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and through the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Our Values are Reflected in our Crest:
God is our shield and defenderIt is to God and His Word we must turn for
Truth and understanding.  We can stand firmly on this Truth in the face of
questions, discovery, hardships and maturity.  God will see us through.
Sable (black) lined adornment = Wisdom. "The fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom."  Therefore, because we are in awe of God, we will seek
Lions with paws uplifted = Deathless Courage for Christ. As we seek
wisdom, we will not be afraid to ask questions.  In asking we will demonstrate
the courage to stand on Truth knowing that Christ Himself said, "I am the Way, the                                                                    Truth, and the Life."
Lion with battle axe = Execution of Military Duty.  CCA is not a military
school, but we recognize that preparing students to live a life of integrity and
purpose requires preparing them to battle the many philosophies society will
bombard them with.  While teaching them to fight for right in this culture we will
also seek to foster the understanding that freedom is never free and honor those
 who have served in the military to provide our freedom.
The Chevron (^ )= Protection. We seek to help students understand that in a world that is often dangerous and frightening, God is our protection and we can find safety.  "His banner over me is love."
The Lozenge (Diamonds) = Constancy.  Students will learn that faithfulness and firm adherence to principles are characteristics which create a constancy of temperament that pave the way for success in all aspects of life.
Gules (Red) = Magnanimity. Our desire is for students to be generous, overlooking faults, not resentful or envious and thus reflect the character of Christ in their dealings with others..
Argent (Silver) = Humility.  As students grow in knowledge and understanding, emphasis will be placed on avoiding arrogance and mean  spirited, self-centeredness by treating others with humility knowing that we all need God's love and sacrifice through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Gold = Purity, Splendor, Excellence.  Finally, students will be encouraged to live lives of purity, pursue excellence in their studies and thus demonstrate the splendor of God at work in their lives.
"Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be One, He must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear."
-----Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the US
